With Guest Teacher Roshi Rafe Martin


Starts—Friday, October 11 at 7:00 p.m.
Ends—Wednesday, October 16 at around 7:00 a.m.
Application Deadline—Friday, September 20

General Sesshin Information

Residential Requirements

You may stay at the Center during the Jataka sesshin if you meet the following requirements:

  • You are a member of the Triple Sangha or Endless Path Zendo.
  • You are attending the sesshin full time for a minimum of the weekend portion. Full time means you are not leaving the Center AT ALL during the weekend portion of sesshin other than going into the Center's gardens.

Reminders About Sesshins

  • If there is any change in your sesshin status, you must contact Roshi.
  • The sesshin fee as well as your membership dues, if you are a member of the VZC, must be paid in full before the deadline for sesshin applications. If this is a hardship for you, please contact Jed Graef. Likewise, if you are unable to pay the sesshin fee, please contact Jed.
  • In the week before sesshin you will receive an e-mail formally with information about how to connect via Zoom (for virtual participants) as well as your dokusan group number and dokusan procedures. If you have any questions about the sesshin or sesshin procedures, please do not hesitate to contact the Center.

October Jataka Sesshin Information

Application Deadline

Friday, September 20

© Vermont Zen Center. All rights reserved.